Injecting Drug Users
This project launched in September 2011 in Garhshankar, Punjab, India, targets people who inject drugs (IDUs). The project aims to reduce HIV/AIDS and other health risks associated with injecting drug use. With a sanctioned population target of 800, the project has registered 1284 IDUs, with 803 actively participating.
The project offers a needle exchange program to prevent needle sharing, awareness campaigns on safe injecting practices, and condom distribution for IDUs and the public to prevent HIV and STIs.
The project has shown promising success. There has been a significant increase in the demand for needles, syringes, and condoms, indicating growing awareness and the project's reach within the target population.
A rise in the number of registered clients suggests the project is effectively connecting with more IDUs. Notably, the initially low demand for condoms has seen an increase, reflecting a positive change in behavior among IDUs.
They also promote early detection and treatment of STIs to further control their spread within the community.